Reporting pollution
If you’ve spotted sewage flowing into a river or stream click here to let us know
Click here to find out if there are any issues that may be impacting the water supply in your area
Up my streetIf you’ve spotted sewage flowing into a river or stream click here to let us know
If your home, garden or local roads have flooded, try not to worry - help is at hand
Read our advice about what to do if you have a burst pipe following the freezing weather
If your water's coming out of your taps with less force than usual, it could be a pressure problem
If you have spotted a leak or have a water or wastewater issue, please let us know here.
Report nowIf you spot a broken or open manhole, fire hydrants, water meter box, valve or stop tap cover - let us know and we'll do what we can to get it fixed
Blocked pipes can stop wastewater draining away, which can be messy and smelly, so you'll need to get it sorted fast
If we need to turn off your water to do mains repairs, we'll make sure you're told about it well in advance, and looked after while it's going on
There are lots of ways you can get in touch with us
Whether you've got a leaky tap or burst pipe, we'll point you in the direction of your nearest qualified plumbers and heating specialists
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