Report sewage pollution
If you suspect sewage pollution, please visit the link below to find out how you can report this to us.
In times of heavy rainfall you may see some tankers in this area. The tankers are there to remove excess water infiltration from our network to prevent flooding or sewage pollution entering Windermere. Our drivers transport the wastewater elsewhere where we have more capacity on our network for it to be treated.
Did you know we’ve already invested in relining the pipework, and have plans to install additional storage at Calgarth? We’ll keep you informed as this work develops.
If you suspect sewage pollution, please visit the link below to find out how you can report this to us.
Click the link below to find out more about combined sewer overflows, how these work and our key challenges.
Whilst we have a big role to play in reducing overflow spill frequency, we all can play an active role in protecting rivers, lakes and seas.