Calgarth Pumping Station

Calgarth Pumping Station

Welcome to Calgarth Pumping Station. This building is key to protecting Windermere’s water quality. The purpose of a pumping station is to pump wastewater uphill, sending all the wastewater from homes and businesses through approximately 10 miles of pipes to Windemere treatment works. It’s here where we can treat wastewater to the highest of standards before returning to the environment.

In times of heavy rainfall you may see some tankers in this area. The tankers are there to remove excess water infiltration from our network to prevent flooding or sewage pollution entering Windermere. Our drivers transport the wastewater elsewhere where we have more capacity on our network for it to be treated.

Did you know we’ve already invested in relining the pipework, and have plans to install additional storage at Calgarth? We’ll keep you informed as this work develops.