Metered business customers

Below is a summary of our tariffs that form part of our business and non-household charges scheme for 2017/2018.

Please note that charges are shown exclusive of any VAT and are annual, unless stated otherwise.

Water charges

A standard volumetric charge of £1.752 per cubic metre (m3) for the first 5,000 m3 plus a charge of £1.727 m3 for volumes in excess of 5,000 m3, plus a standing charge related to meter size.

Meter size (mm) Standing charge
12/15 £41.14
20/22 £41.90
25/28 £46.51
30/32/35 £46.51
40/42 £60.63
50/54 £90.61
75/80 £90.61
100 £108.91
150 and above £108.91
Animal troughs £41.14


Sewerage charges

Foul drainage Charge
Standard volumetric charge - per cubic metre (m3) for the first 5,000 m3  £1.178
Standard volumetric charge – volumes in excess of 5,000 m3 £1.151
Swimming pool effluent - per cubic metre (m3) £1.002
Charge for direct discharge to a wastewater treatment works  - per cubic meter (m3) £0.751
Select sewerage charge - per cubic metre (m3) £1.077

These charges also apply if you are billed on our behalf by another water company.

Surface water drainage and highway drainage charges

(a) Charges for measured non-household premises

Site area charging band Chargeable area (m2) Surface water drainage charge Highway drainage charge Surface water and highway drainage charge
Band 1 Up to124 £92.09 £43.85 £135.95
Band 2 125-299 £228.76  £108.92   £337.67
Band 3 300-649 £509.82  £242.75  £752.56
Band 4 650-1,499 £1,153.48  £549.24  £1,702.72
Band 5 1,500-2,999 £2,412.70  £1,148.80


Band 6 3,000-6,999 £5,364.19  £2,554.15  £7,918.34
Band 7 7,000-11,999 £10,191.35  £4,852.57  £15,043.92
Band 8 12,000-17,999 £15,632.34 £7,176.33  £22,808.68
Band 9 18,000-24,999 £22,406.58  £10,286.19 £32,692.77
Band 10 25,000-49,999 £39,081.64  £17,941.21  £57,022.84
Band 11 50,000-74,999 £65,136.41  £29,902.17  £95,038.58
Band 12 75,000-99,999 £91,191.18  £41,863.14  £133,054.32
Band 13 100,000-124,999 £117,245.94 £53,824.10 £171,070.04
Band 14 125,000-149,999 £143,300.73  £65,785.06 £209,085.79
Band 15 150,000 & above £169,356.01 £77,746.26   £247,102.27

The above charges also apply if you are billed on our behalf by another water company.

(b) Eligible community groups (places of worship, Scout and Guide Association premises, eligible community amateur sports clubs, community centres and village halls and sea cadet units by application, including those billed on our behalf by another water company).

A charge based on site area charging band 1, as set out in the table above.

Other water companies’ charges - charges will be different if you live near to the borders of our area and receive water supply and sewerage services from another company.

Optional water tariffs for large users of water

Select 50 tariff

This tariff will benefit you if your annual volumetric usage at one site will be more than 50 megalitres (50,000m3) p.a. but below 180 megalitres (180,000m3) p.a

Annual fixed charge per site

(in addition to the normal meter standing charges see table above)

Plus volumetric charge - per cubic metre (m3) £1.340 


Select 180 tariff
This tariff will benefit you if your annual volumetric usage at one site will be more than 180 megalitres (180,000m3) p.a. but less than 750 megalitres (750,000 m3) p.a.

Annual fixed charge per site

(in addition to the normal meter standing charges see table above)

Plus volumetric charge - per cubic metre (m3)   £1.096 


Select 750 tariff

This tariff will benefit you if your annual volumetric usage at one site will be more than 750 megalitres (750,000 m3) p.a. but less than 3,000 megalitres (3,000,000 m3) p.a.

Annual fixed charge per site

(in addition to the normal meter standing charges see table above)  

Plus volumetric charge - per cubic metre (m3) £1.007 


Select Plus tariff
This tariff will benefit you if your annual volumetric usage at one site will be more than 3,000 megalitres (3,000,000m3) p.a. Charges are applied as for business metered consumers except the water volumetric charge is reduced for usage up to 3,000 megalitres and reduced further for usage above 3,000 megalitres and an additional annual fixed charge is payable.

Annual fixed charge per site

(in addition to the normal meter standing charges see table above)  

Plus volumetric charge - per cubic metre (m3)
- up to 3,000,000 cubic metres p.a.   £1.007 
-  over 3,000,000 cubic metres p.a.   £0.365 


Assurance statement

Our assurance statement - charges submission 2017/2018 can be viewed here.