Frequently Asked Questions
Select a topic
- What are your levels of service?
- Where can I find application forms?
- When will I hear back after I have applied?
- How do I raise a general enquiry?
- Do I need to contact you before starting any work?
- Can I get a rough estimate?
- How do I apply for a new water connection?
- When do you carry out an inspection?
- What is involved in the inspection?
- How do I disconnect my water supply?
- How do I know which sewer I should connect to?
- What is the difference between a direct and indirect connection?
- Can I have a combined foul and surface water connection?
- What is the difference between a foul sewer and a surface water sewer?
- What do I do if there is a sewer in my garden that is affecting my development?
- Will I receive an income offset payment as well as an infrastructure credit?
- Do you offer a discount on wastewater infrastructure charges if there is a reduction in surface water flow?
- Is the income offset allowance reduced if I am qualified for a sustainable infrastructure charge
- Is it possible to get a credit against infrastructure charges?
- What are infrastructure charges?
- How will the water meter be read?
- How big is the water meter?
- Where will the meter be fitted?
- If I want my water meter inside my house, does it have to be under the kitchen sink?
- Does the wall mounted box have to be sited on the front elevation of the property?
- Who owns the water meter?
- What is a wall mounted meter box?
- What is a meter carrier?
- Who owns the meter housing?