Water connection calculator
Get an estimate for how much your connection could cost
Watch our video to find out more about what's involved in getting a connection. Our common traffic scenarios shows the types of traffic management we use depending on the location of your project.
Before you start, check if your development is in our area. If you need any help please contact us on 0345 072 6067 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
Watch our video on getting a new water connection to find out what's involved from start to finish.
Below you'll find our step by step process on how to get your water supply connected and a link to the application forms.
You can get an estimate of how much your connection is likely to cost using out water connection calculator. Once you've applied, you'll be assigned a dedicated case manager who'll be your single point of contact and will proactively keep you informed and help you through the process.
Get an estimate for how much your connection could cost
Apply with our online application form
Apply and send us a video/picture of your site and a case manager will be in touch
Our guidance documents linked below explains what to do if you require a water supply for your new development. The information is suitable for developers/house builders.
We have produced a number of videos to help explain what is involved throughout each stage of your connection.
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