New Water Connections

We understand that getting the water supply at the right time during the build of a new development is key to making sure it goes to plan.

Watch our video to find out more about what's involved in getting a connection. Our common traffic scenarios shows the types of traffic management we use depending on the location of your project.


Before you start, check if your development is in our area. If you need any help please contact us on 0345 072 6067 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).

How to get a new water connection

Watch our video on getting a new water connection to find out what's involved from start to finish.

Below you'll find our step by step process on how to get your water supply connected and a link to the application forms.

You can get an estimate of how much your connection is likely to cost using out water connection calculator. Once you've applied, you'll be assigned a dedicated case manager who'll be your single point of contact and will proactively keep you informed and help you through the process.


Our guidance documents linked below explains what to do if you require a water supply for your new development. The information is suitable for developers/house builders.

Find out more

Video Guides

We have produced a number of videos to help explain what is involved throughout each stage of your connection.

Watch now

    • Have you got local authority planning approval? You will need this before applying for a new water connection. 
    • Do you know what size of connection you require? A domestic property normally has a standard 25mm water pipe.
    • Do you know where the nearest water main is to connect to? This information is available on local maps which are offered by a number of companies including United Utilities, if you would like to buy a water plan from us please see our Property Searches service.  
    • Do you need a temporary supply? If so, please be aware it is only valid for 12 months
    • Do you know the history of the land you're building on? If it’s not greenfield land and has been previously occupied, you will need to engage a geo-technical specialist to complete a Risk assessment (PDF 110 KB opens in a new window) which should be submitted with your application for a water connection. 
    • If your development is for domestic dwellings and you are using water efficient fittings and appliances, you may be eligible for a reduction on your water infrastructure charges. You can check on our Water efficiency calculator (PDF 1,702 KB opens in a new window).
    • If your development is wholly household or wholly non-household with a shared hot water supply, or student accommodation, and you are planning on installing a shared meter that will be dealt with by a management company, please provide the details of the management company including their company registration number. This is needed before we can provide a quote.

    • In order to connect to a water main you may need to lay your pipework through land that you don't own. It would be worthwhile at this stage finding out who owns the neighbouring land as you will need to get permission to lay a water pipe in their land, and you will also need access to repair to maintain it.
  • When you’re ready to apply for a water connection please send us the following:

    • A completed application form, please choose the form for your development.
      You can print the form or complete it on your computer and email it to us, please download a copy and save it before filling it in.

    • A site location plan (including site address, postcode and x - y co-ordinates).
    • The planning reference number and status of planning application.
    • A full site layout plan clearly showing the proposed route and point of entry for the new connection.  

    If you don't need your water supply within six months, we can provide a free estimate.

  • We’ll review your application and visit your site to assess your connection requirements. Within 28 calendar days we’ll send you:

    • A fixed quote specific to your project.
    • A scheme drawing showing the point of connection.
    • Relevant schematics for pipework installation. 

    If you choose a fixed priced quote, the price will be valid up to the end of March 2023. Any connections made after this date will be charged at the new rates in our 2023/24 charges scheme.

    When laying your pipes we would suggest using an approved plumber. It will mean your pipework is compliant with the regulations around the supply of water, and it will speed up the connection process.

  • If you're happy with the quote, please sign and return the quote acceptance form.

  • Before asking for the connection to be made, you’ll need to complete all work required on site. This will be detailed in the pipework specification drawing supplied with the quote.

  • Before we can connect your supply, we need to check your pipe work meets industry standards. We will check:

    • Have you laid the correct size pipework?
    • Is the pipework the correct material for the ground conditions?
      Number of supplies
    • Is the pipework laid at the right depth?
    • Has the pipework been brought out to the correct point
      of connection?
    • Is there sufficient pipework coiled up at the boundary and is it
      capped off with a mechanical stop end?
    • Is the meter manifold installed (internal at point of entry or wall
      mounted box)?
    • Is the external control box installed?

    For 25mm or 32mm pipes

    If you’ve used a WIAPS (Water Industry Approved Plumbers’ Scheme) plumber, you can provide a WIAPS certificate.

    If you’ve used a non-WIAPS registered plumber we will need to inspect the pipes.

    For pipes 63mm and above

    We need to inspect all pipework that's 63mm and above, we will also require a pressure test certificate and a chlorination certificate.

    If the supply is 80mm or greater we will also need to see the laboratory sample pass results.

    Let us know when the pipework is ready for inspection, giving us at least five days’ notice. Please note if the inspection fails, and a re-inspection is required, there is an additional fee of £129.60 (incl VAT).

    Please also send us written confirmation of the new postal address, on letter headed paper, from the local authority (street naming and numbering department).

  • Once you’ve supplied all of the information above, please complete a Request for work form (PDF 253 KB opens in a new window). This is a checklist to ensure that all necessary work has been completed.

  • Once we’ve received all of the information outlined above, we’ll make the connection and install the meters. This will be within 21 calendar days, subject to any traffic management restrictions which will be detailed in your quote. 

    When the connection has been completed we will send you an invoice for the work.

  • Once the connection has been made and the meter installed, the information will be sent to our billing department who will create the account for the property. It will then be ready for the new occupier to register with us.