Wastewater pre-development enquiry

Please complete this form for enquiring about drainage strategies and points of connection for new developments. We aim to respond to enquiries within 15 working days from receipt of your completed enquiry form.

If you need any help completing the form please call us on 0345 026 8989 and we’ll be happy to help. 

Please provide as much information as you can so we can process your application as quickly and as accurately as possible. The information you provide will be used solely in accordance with United Utilities’ Privacy Policy. 

If you'd prefer to complete a PDF version, please click here to download and email it to SewerAdoptions@uuplc.co.uk.

Section 1 - Your Details

Section 2 - Development Details

Do you intend to offer any of the sewers for adoption by United Utilities under S104?

Please provide as much information as possible of the site address that is available. This address must contain a road name, town or city.

Development type
Does this site have planning permission?
Have you approached us about this site previously?
Is the development part of a larger site that will be developed in phases?

Section 3 - Previous Land Use

Please confirm what the land was previously used for

Section 4 - Drainage Strategy

How are you proposing to drain foul flows from the site?
Do your drainage proposals involve pumping to the public sewer network?
How are you proposing to drain your site, following the surface water hierarchy, as outlined in National Planning Policy Guidance? Please indicate below and provide evidence to support your strategy
Have SuDS features been considered in the surface water drainage strategy?

Section 5 - Declaration