Technical guidance
The information that appears in the dropdowns below is provided to support Bidders with a detailed technical guidance as to the type of information each box on the submission form should contain.
1. Name of source / title of this bid.
Each bid should have a unique name / identifier, to enable discrete assessments to be made of each bid received.
2. Location of the source (easting / northing and elevation in metres above ordnance datum).
This information is critical to enable United Utilities to assess the practicality of integrating the proposed supply into the existing network. The location of the source enables United Utilities to compare the source to the location of existing United Utilities infrastructure. Elevation is a critical factor, as it determines whether it will be possible to use gravity to feed the proposed source into the United Utilities network, or whether the new source will require pumping (at additional cost).
3. Map showing the location, including showing the boundary line of the bidders property.
This is needed to determine if United Utilities would require easement or similar from another party to enable us to utilise the source. This could be a major consideration around the practicality of adopting a new source.
4. Description of the source.
For example, is it groundwater, desalination plant, river intake, impounding reservoir etc.
5. If the bidder has an existing Abstraction Licence, please state the licenced volume and provide a copy of the complete licence. If the bidder has an abstraction authorisation provided through an Act of Parliament, then please provide a copy of the complete Act of Parliament.
Achieving regulatory permission for abstraction will be a major challenge. If bidders have an existing Abstraction Licence then this will be a very positive enabler that will significantly increase the viability of a bid. Bidders who have a very long standing permission to abstract (pre approximately 1950) may be authorised through an Act of Parliament rather than by an Abstraction Licence issued by the Environment Agency / Natural Resources Wales. An abstraction authorised through an Act of Parliament is as positively viable as an abstraction authorised through an Abstraction Licence.
6. Please provide all available records of water quality from the source. These should include all available determinants.
Water quality will be a major factor in the cost to treat the water from the bid. A more comprehensive list of all relevant determinants will be provided. It is recognised that many applicants may not have detailed records of all determinants.
Determinants should include records of levels of:
- Turbidity,
- Colour,
- Acidity (pH),
- Metals,
- Organic compounds (including overall dissolved organic carbon),
- Nitrates/Nitrites,
- Phosphate,
- Coliforms (e.g. Cryptosporidium / E Coli / Enterococci),
- Pesticides (e.g. metaldehyde),
- Radionuclides,
- Products of algae and cyanobacteria (e.g. 2 methylisobutanol, geosmin, chlorophyll)
7. Please provide all available records of the actual yield achieved from the source, expressed as megalitres per day. Please provide records of daily yield where available.
The reliable yield of the source will be a key element of viability of the bid. A very reliable source which consistently provides a specified yield volume can be much more easily built into water resources plans than a source with an unreliable yield that is subject to frequent and irregular supply interruption.
8. Please indicate the bidders proposed access point, where the resource will be connected into the United Utilities network.
This point would ultimately be a decision for United Utilities, but it would be helpful to understand the bidders’ proposal and any suggestions that they might have regarding input connectivity.
9. Please indicate when the source would be available for use, both when it could be made available for use by the bidder, and any time constraints on its availability (e.g. if the bid is time limited).
1. Name of option/title of this bid
Each bid should have a unique name/identifier, to enable discrete assessments to be made of each bid received.
2. Option type (leakage/metering/other)
This information is required so that the option can be assessed in the context of United Utilities operational activities in the different components that contribute to the overall demand for water.
3. Location of the demand management or leakage reduction proposal (regional or location specific)
This information is required to assess whether the option is deployable across the region supplied by United Utilities or whether it is targeted in a particular geographical area or operational boundary.
4. Description of the demand management/leakage reduction proposal
For example, is it finding and repairing leaks on pipes, pipe rehabilitation, customer behaviour change, customer metering, supply pipe leakage repairs, pressure management.
5. State the anticipated scale of the demand/leakage reduction in megalitres per day (Ml/d)
A realistic estimate of the demand reduction that could be achieved from this option preferably accompanied by a breakdown of how the estimate has been built up
6. State the estimated cost to United Utilities to realise the reduction indicated above
It is important to provide a realistic estimate of the cost to achieve the demand reduction stated above from this option, preferably accompanied by a breakdown of how the estimate has been built up.
7. Please provide all available evidence of the actual demand/leakage reduction achieved from the proposal being deployed elsewhere
This information is important for us to assess the viability of the option, whether it is a brand new product or technology that hasn’t been tested before or an established intervention with proven benefits elsewhere.
8. Please indicate the scale of United Utilities operational support required to deliver the proposed demand/leakage reduction e.g. access requirements, network valve changes etc.
This information is required to understand to what extent the benefit can be realised exclusive of other activities carried out by United Utilities and its partners. For example, is the option providing technology that detects leaks but requires United Utilities to carry out repairs to reduce leakage? Alternatively, the option may require direct contact with customers and/or access to their properties.
9. Please indicate how quickly the demand/leakage reduction could be achieved
Once the option is implemented, are the benefits realised straight away or is there a lag before the demand is reduced?
10. Please indicate the longevity of the of the demand/leakage reduction achieved through the proposal
Some options may only provide benefits for a limited period of time, for example, a campaign to change customer behaviour to reduce demand may last for a few months before needing to be repeated.
11. The environmental and social impacts of the option. Including carbon.
It is important to consider the overall impact of the option on the environment and the public preferably this will be quantified with a breakdown estimating the impact in each area.
Sludge Treatment
1. What is the solution proposed?
A brief overview of the solution proposed should be provided including a unique name/identifier, to enable discrete assessments to be made of each bid received.2. Solution drop-down selection
Please indicate whether the treatment facility is currently operational or whether new capacity is being constructed.3. Capacity drop-down selection based on tonnes dry solids
Please provide a realistic estimate of treatment capacity offered in terms of tonnes dry solids (tds). If unsure provide additional details within the solutions proposed question above.
4. Solution drop-down selection
To assist United Utilities understanding of the proposed solution and its market readiness please indicate if and where the technology has been previously implemented.
5. What type of sludge feedstock would be required drop-down multiple selectionsPlease indicate the type of feedstock required. This information is critical to enable United Utilities to assess the practicality of utilising the proposed capacity.
6. Drop-down
Please indicate what part of the value chain the proposed solution addresses.7. Can then enter postcode or town
This information is critical to enable United Utilities to assess the practicality of utilising the proposed capacity. Supporting information could include location maps and OS coordinates.
8. When will the solution be available drop-down
Please indicate when the treatment capacity would be available for use.9. Service model drop-down
If known, this information is required so that the option can be assessed in the context of United Utilities operational activities.10. What would be the commercial solution?
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ proposal and any suggestions that they might have regarding the commercial model proposed.
11. What are the indicative costs for the service?
Please provide an indicative estimate of the cost of this option, preferably accompanied by a breakdown of how the estimate has been built up.
12. Wider benefits
It is important to consider the overall impact of the option on the environment and our various stakeholders. Preferably this will be quantified with a breakdown estimating the potential benefits including when the benefits would be realised.
13. Experience
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ experience in this area. Please provide a brief overview of recent experience in this area. Please add any attachments to further support your response.Sludge disposal
1. What is the solution proposed?
A brief overview of the solution proposed should be provided including a unique name/identifier, to enable discrete assessments to be made of each bid received.
2. Solution drop-down selection
Please indicate the disposal route proposed.
3. Soltuion drop-down
To assist United Utilities understanding of the proposed solution and its market readiness please indicate if and where the technology has been previously implemented.
4. What type of sludge feedstock would be required drop-down multiple selections
Please indicate the type of feedstock required. This information is critical to enable United Utilities to assess the practicality of utilising the proposed capacity.
5. Capacity drop down selection based on tonnes dry solids
Please provide a realistic estimate of disposal capacity offered in terms of tonnes dry solids (tds). If unsure provide additional details within the solutions proposed question above.
6. When will the solution be available drop-down
Please indicate when the disposal capacity would be available for use.
7. What would be the commercial solution?
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ proposal and any suggestions that they might have regarding the commercial model proposed.
8. What are the indicative costs for the service?
Please provide an indicative estimate of the cost of this option, preferably accompanied by a breakdown of how the estimate has been built up.
9. Wider benefits
It is important to consider the overall impact of the option on the environment and our various stakeholders. Preferably this will be quantified with a breakdown estimating the potential benefits including when the benefits would be realised.
10. Experience
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ experience in this area. Please provide a brief overview of recent experience in this area. Please add any attachments to further support your response.Energy production
1. Solution drop-down selection
Please indicate whether the proposed infrastructure is currently operational or is being developed.
2. Solution drop-down selection
Please indicate the solution type.
3. Solution drop-down selection
To assist United Utilities understanding of the proposed solution and its market readiness please indicate if and where the technology has been previously implemented.4. Scope of service
Please provide a brief overview of the solution proposed should be provided including a unique name/identifier, to enable discrete assessments to be made of each bid received.
5. Scale of generation (MW thermal input)
Please provide a realistic estimate of scale of generation offered in terms of mega Watts (MW). If unsure provide additional details within the solutions proposed question above.
6. When will the solution be available drop-down
Please indicate when the disposal capacity would be available for use.
7. What would be the commercial solution?
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ proposal and any suggestions that they might have regarding the commercial model proposed.
8. What are the indicative costs for the service?
Please provide an indicative estimate of the cost of this option, preferably accompanied by a breakdown of how the estimate has been built up.
9. Wider benefits
It is important to consider the overall impact of the option on the environment and our various stakeholders. Preferably this will be quantified with a breakdown estimating the potential benefits including when the benefits would be realised.
10. Experience
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ experience in this area. Please provide a brief overview of recent experience in this area. Please add any attachments to further support your response.Transport
1. Solution drop-down selection
Please indicate whether the transport solutions our currently operational or whether new options are being developed.
2. Solution drop-down selection
Please select what the solution proposes to transport.
3. Solution drop-down selection
To assist United Utilities understanding of the proposed solution and its market readiness please indicate if and where the technology has been previously implemented.
4. Scope of service
Please provide a brief overview of the solution proposed should be provided including a unique name/identifier, to enable discrete assessments to be made of each bid received.
5. Scale of service
Please provide a realistic estimate of disposal capacity offered in terms of m3/day. If unsure provide additional details within the solutions proposed question above.6. When will the solution be available drop-down
Please indicate when the treatment capacity would be available for use, both when it could be made available for use by the bidder, and any time constraints on its availability.
7. What would be the commercial solution?
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ proposal and any suggestions that they might have regarding the commercial model proposed.
8. What are the indicative costs for the service?
Please provide an indicative estimate of the cost of this option, preferably accompanied by a breakdown of how the estimate has been built up.
9. Wider benefits
It is important to consider the overall impact of the option on the environment and our various stakeholders. Preferably this will be quantified with a breakdown estimating the potential benefits including when the benefits would be realised.
10. Experience
It would be helpful to understand the bidders’ experience in this area. Please provide a brief overview of recent experience in this area. Please add any attachments to further support your response.
PLEASE NOTE: Before any bid is accepted, further comprehensive modelling and assessment may be required to determine the viability of the proposed source during a range of climatic conditions and demand scenarios.