Performance 2010/15

Each year during our business plan cycle for the period 2010 to 2015 we reported on our performance against a set of key performance indicators agreed with our regulator, Ofwat. Below you will find our performance data for each year. Information about our performance reporting against our 2015-2020 business plan can be found here.

  • Our 2014/15 figures make for encouraging reading and show how we have continued to improve our performance. Each measure is graded using a traffic light system, with green indicating that we are performing well or a target has been met.

    Key performance indicator Score
    Customer experience
    Customer satisfaction (SIM) 81/100
    Sewer flooding incidents 247
    Water supply interruptions 13mins
    Water quality 99.95%
    Reliability & availability
    Looking after the region's water pipes Improving
    Managing water treatment works and reservoirs Stable
    Looking after the sewer network Stable
    Maintaining our sewage treatment works Improving
    Tackling leakage 454 MI/Day
    Security of supply 100 index score
    Reservoir levels 96%
    Environmental impact
    Greenhouse gas emissions 474 ktCO2e
    Sewerage pollution incidents 49
    Serious sewerage pollution incidents 0.5
    Discharge permit compliance 98%
    Sludge disposal 100%
    Financial indicators
    Post tax return on capital 5.1%
    Credit rating BBB+
    Gearing 63.4%
    Interest cover 2.4
  • Our 2013/14 figures make for encouraging reading and show how we have continued to improve our performance. Each measure is graded using a traffic light system, with green indicating that we are performing well or a target has been met.

    Key performance indicator Score
    Customer experience
    Customer satisfaction (SIM) 83/100
    Sewer flooding incidents 451
    Water supply interruptions 10mins
    Water quality 99.97%
    Reliability & availability
    Looking after the region's water pipes Stable
    Managing water treatment works and reservoirs Stable
    Looking after the sewer network Stable
    Maintaining our sewage treatment works Improving
    Tackling leakage 452 MI/Day
    Security of supply 100 index score
    Reservoir levels 96%
    Environmental impact
    Greenhouse gas emissions 449 ktCO2e
    Sewerage pollution incidents 48
    Serious sewerage pollution incidents 1.1
    Discharge permit compliance 99%
    Sludge disposal 99.9%
    Financial indicators
    Post tax return on capital 4.7%
    Credit rating BBB+
    Gearing 61.4%
    Interest cover 3.0
  • Our 2012/13 figures make encouraging reading. Performance is graded by a traffic light system, with green indicating that we are performing well or a target has been met.

    Key performance indicator Score
    Customer experience
    Customer satisfaction (SIM) 78/100
    Sewer flooding incidents 906
    Water supply interruptions 18mins
    Water quality 99.95%
    Reliability & availability
    Looking after the region's water pipes Stable
    Managing water treatment works and reservoirs Stable
    Looking after the sewer network Stable
    Maintaining our sewage treatment works Improving
    Tackling leakage 457 MI/Day
    Security of supply 100 index score
    Reservoir levels 90%
    Environmental impact
    Greenhouse gas emissions 524 ktCO2e
    Sewerage pollution incidents 74
    Serious sewerage polluition incidents 1.1
    Pollution from water assets 2.1
    Discharge permit compliance 99%
    Sludge disposal 99.2%
    Financial indicators
    Post tax return on capital 4.8%
    Credit rating BBB+
    Gearing 64.4%
    Interest cover 2.0
  • Our 2011/12 figures make encouraging reading. Performance is graded by a traffic light system, with green indicating that we are performing well or a target has been met.

    Key performance indicator Score
    Customer experience
    Customer satisfaction (SIM) 67/100
    Sewer flooding incidents 500
    Water supply interruptions 25mins
    Water quality 99.95%
    Reliability & availability
    Looking after the region's water pipes Stable
    Managing water treatment works and reservoirs Stable
    Looking after the sewer network Marginal
    Maintaining our sewage treatment works Improving
    Tackling leakage 453 MI/Day
    Security of supply 100 index score
    Reservoir levels 92%
    Environmental impact
    Greenhouse gas emissions 522 ktCO2e
    Sewerage pollution incidents 73
    Serious sewerage pollution incidents 0.7
    Pollution from water assets 1.9
    Discharge permit compliance 99%
    Sludge disposal 99.1%
    Financial indicators
    Post tax return on capital 5.0%
    Credit rating BBB+
    Gearing 64.5%
    Interest cover 2.0