Prestbury Litter Pickers Wading In

13 May 2024


Prestbury Litter Pickers .jpg

A team of River Rangers from United Utilities joined Prestbury Litter Pickers at the River Bollin on Saturday 4 May to present safety equipment for the volunteers, funded by the Better Rivers Community Fund.

As one of the first community groups to successfully apply and receive support, they received five pairs of chest height waders in various sizes and two non-slip mats to help with their monthly activities.

The group were set up at the end of 2022 to tackle general litter and noticed rubbish in River Bollin. This new equipment will enable the group to litter pick safely in and around the river.

Carol Waters said, ‘It was super to read and see evidence of how United Utilities is now working towards cleaning up the Bollin, and it would be lovely to work together to help to make this happen. We would love to see the flora and fauna of our river returned to its former glory.’ 

Emma Birch, Area Engagement Manager for United Utilities said: ‘We are pleased to have been able to support Prestbury Litter Pickers’ initiative and look forward to continuing engagement with the volunteers and the wider community to build a better River Bollin and a stronger, greener, healthier region.’

The Prestbury Litter Pickers meet on the first Saturday of every month at St Peter’s Church at 10.30am and new volunteers are always welcome.

Picture: Carol Waters, Prestbury Litterpickers (pictured centre) receiving waders from River Ranger Ashley Royd (centre left) and Daniel Lynch from United Utilities (second from left).