Better Rivers Fund for Sutton Wombles

24 Jun 2024

Residents in St Helens, who began litter picking during the lockdown of 2020, have been supported in their efforts by United Utilities to keep the local water ways tidy. The Sutton Wombles meet at 10.30am every Saturday morning and focus their efforts on the areas around Sutton Mill Dam and Monastry Dam where rubbish accumulates, and which attract anti-social behaviour.

As well as improving the local area, over the last few years the group has collected and cashed in hundreds of empty drinks cans to raise funds for Cancer Research and Willowbrook Hospice.

On Saturday 22 June, United Utilities presented the group with litter carts, long handled pickers. high vis jackets, gloves, and shoes.

Jackie said, ‘People often thank us when they see us out and about. Hopefully this new kit will encourage more people to get involved. We’ve made some nice friends doing this activity that I didn’t know before the lockdown.

Steve said, ‘I enjoy helping because it’s better doing something rather than sitting at home getting frustrated that the place is a mess.’

Mark Booth, United Utilities Stakeholder Engagement Manager for Merseyside said: ‘The Sutton Wombles are a great example of the kind of volunteers that we support with the Better Rivers Fund. They are doing a fantastic job.’