Bolton scout group receives donation to help clean up local area

The 40th Moorland Scout Group has received a welcome boost to their community clean-up efforts, thanks to a donation from United Utilities.

The Scout Group, based in Bolton, was presented with tools for litter picking as part of United Utilities’ Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund. 

The 40th Moorland Scout Group is made up of children aged 10-14 years old, who come together weekly, striving to make positive changes in the area and gaining skills for life. The group frequently goes out litter picking in parks and woodlands, whilst also helping to clean up local waterways.

Earlier this month, the group met with River Rangers from the North West’s water company as they handed over the equipment and embarked on a litter pick together.

United Utilities provided the local group with gloves, bags and litter picking equipment to help them clean up safely and efficiently. This initiative has also allowed the Scouts to work towards and gain their ‘Community Impact Activity Badge’.

Tim Spence, 40th Moorland Scout Leader, commented: “We are so very grateful to United Utilities for the donation of litter picking equipment. It’s been great to be able to make a positive difference to the local area.

“The funding has allowed us to run additional sessions, teaching the Scouts on how to become more community minded, alongside highlighting the importance of looking after our spaces and the impact of pollution on our waterways.”

Shy Bayly, United Utilities area engagement lead for Greater Manchester: “We’re really pleased to have been able to support the 40th Moorland Scout Group, as working in partnership with local community groups is what the Community Fund is all about. They clearly have a lot of enthusiasm for improving their community and were just lacking the tools they needed to become more efficient. Hopefully, this donation will encourage them to keep up their efforts and has helped them understand the importance of looking after local waterways.”  

The Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund supports community groups whose activities:

  • Benefit local watercourses and riverside environments
  • Act as catalyst for improved community and environmental wellbeing
  • Reconnect communities to riverside environments
  • Promote sustainable drainage

Groups can apply to the fund for up to £2,500 worth of support by emailing with details of their request.