Community group receives equipment to look after waterways around Crosby

Volunteers for the Crosby Wombles have received a host of new equipment from United Utilities to aid their beach clean-up efforts.

The Crosby Wombles is comprised of volunteers from the L23 area. Their objectives are to keep the community clean and litter free, and to encourage, equip and enable people to carry out their own solo litter picks. They also offer opportunities for the local community to participate in group litter picking events.

Although they dedicate many hours to keeping Crosby’s waterways and beaches clean, the group recognise that many residents are unable to get involved with litter picking. The Crosby Wombles therefore offer a monthly coffee club, book club, gardening club and educational presentations.

As part of the United Utilities Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund, the group met with River Rangers from the North West’s water company, who provided them with new litter picking equipment, disinfectant sprays and PPE. This will allow the group to continue their efforts safely and with the appropriate tools.

On receiving the equipment, Dawn and Jacquie from the Crosby Wombles said,

“This donation allows us to equip more Wombles to do their solo picks and ensure we can continue to do our group picks with adults and children! The Rangers role is to monitor storm outflow along rivers (especially larger items, wipes, sanitary wear etc), check water quality and engage with local community groups. Having a mutually positive relationship with the United Utilities Rangers reminds us to of the link between the land, rivers, water courses and the sea.”

Derek Briggs, Catchment Manager at United Utilities added, “The Crosby Wombles are exactly the sort of group the Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund looks to support. The enthusiastic volunteers give up their own time to enhance North West waterways and it’s a privilege to be able to support them in that work.”

The Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund supports community groups whose activities:

  • Benefit local watercourses and riverside environments
  • Act as catalyst for improved community and environmental wellbeing
  • Reconnect communities to riverside environments
  • Promote sustainable drainage

Groups can apply to the fund for up to £2,500 worth of support by emailing with details of their request.