Equipment donation for Great Sankey canal restoration

A restoration project taking place on the Sankey Canal in St. Helens has received equipment from the Better Rivers, Better North West Community Fund.

Great Sankey Restoration Society, which aims to restore sections of the heritage asset, received horticultural tools, PPE and litter picking equipment to aid in their efforts.

In addition to protecting the infrastructure the group focus is on clearing foliage, discarded rubbish, and anglers' lines from the canal to ensure wildlife can thrive. The new equipment will ensure the team can access all areas which need attention and manage them much more efficiently.

United Utilities Area Engagement Lead Mark Booth handed over the tools to Great Sankey Restoration Society Chair Steve Davies. Also in attendance, from St. Helens Council, was The Mayor, Councillor Jeannette Banks; her consort, Councillor David Banks; deputy leader of the council, Seve Gomez-Aspron; and Councillors Keith Laird, Terry Maguire and Karl Collier.

Steve Davies commented: “We really appreciate the contribution United Utilities has made to our work and the recognition of our efforts to make the Sankey Canal a worthwhile place to visit and support. Such grants make our maintenance programme considerably easier and partnerships such as this are the way forward to assist us in our ultimate goal of restoring the canal to its former glory’."

Mark Booth, area engagement lead at United Utilities, said: “The investment into the new equipment for Great Sankey Restoration Society will reap benefits long into the future. This provision will extend the groups remit, ensure they are safe while carrying out this much-needed work, and improve efficiency, meaning they can do more work in less time. We’re proud to support groups like these through the Community Fund, who are making a real difference to the north west’s waterways.”

The Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund supports community groups whose activities:

  • Benefit local watercourses and riverside environments
  • Act as catalyst for improved community and environmental wellbeing
  • Reconnect communities to riverside environments
  • Promote sustainable drainage

Groups can apply to the fund for up to £2,500 worth of support by emailing with details of their request.