New Brighton litter heroes pick up Better Rivers Funding

A group of volunteers on the Wirral received a helping hand from United Utilities’ Better Rivers Better Fund at a recent clean up at Fort Perch Rock, New Brighton (Thursday 11 July 2026).

River Rangers, Dan Lynch and Ashleigh Royd presented The New Brighteners with 180 items of kit including litter pickers and bag hoops.

Volunteer, Dave Peddie said: “We were excited to hear about the Better Rivers Community Funding. The New Brighteners was born out of a desire to help keep our beaches and seas in and around New Brighton clean and free of rubbish. Over the last 11 years, this desire has grown stronger and broader to embrace many environmental ideals and support for different groups with a strong marine environmental remit. But also, it embraces a deep concern for broader environmental issues because, in our works, the whole of nature interacts together.”

Mark Booth, United Utilities Area Engagement Manager for Merseyside said: "We are delighted to be able to support The New Brighteners who are well respected by the public, communities, traders, public agencies and politicians alike. As volunteers they provide opportunities for local people to improve their physical and mental wellbeing while helping to protect the environment.”

The application was supported by local councillor, Liz Grey, Labour Councillor for Bidston and St James, Birkenhead, Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee.

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She said: “The work of The New Brighteners has had a positive impact in terms of removal of litter which would otherwise remain an unsightly blight and could have potentially negative consequences for both wildlife and the local tourism economy. Such litter removal would need to be added to the already strained workload of Wirral Council and so we really do appreciate their efforts. They are welcoming and positive role models for others, and I am proud to know such a great group of people. Anyone supporting them in any way is doing a very good thing for the environment and the people of Wirral.”