Vulnerability and Affordability Report
Vulnerability and Affordability Report - help for those who need it most

From 2019/20 we have begun including annual Vulnerability and Affordability Reporting as part of our core annual regulatory reporting documentation. All United Utilities annual regulatory reports can be found here.
Our new report lays out our framework for assisting customers in vulnerable circumstances, including what we are doing now and how we aim to continue to develop this in the future through our own initiatives and by working with others.
These annual reviews update on our progress in providing vulnerability and affordability services. By publishing these reports we hope to prompt further engagement with other service providers and organisations, and promote open discussion and collaboration to improve the support that is offered to customers who need it most.
View our archived reports here
Vulnerability and Affordability Report 2019/20 (PDF 16 MB opens in a new window)
Vulnerability and Affordability Report 2018/19 (PDF 688 KB opens in a new window)
Vulnerability and Affordability Report 2017/18 (PDF 963 KB opens in a new window)
Vulnerability and Affordability Report 2016/17 (PDF 1,230 KB opens in a new window)
Advice if you're struggling to pay your water bill
If you’re struggling with your household bills and finding yourself behind with payments, please don’t panic. There are lots of organisations out there who can provide free independent advice to help you out of debt.