ESG performance

Sustainability report

Sustainability Report 2024

Assurance of metrics

Our performance indicators have received an appropriate level of assurance, such as independent third-party verification, regulatory reporting assurance processes, or through our own internal audit team. The performance tables in our sustainability report state what level of assurance has been obtained for each metric, and the audit opinions in relation to the metrics that have received external assurance for 2023/24, including the figures in our energy and carbon report and our remuneration report, can be found below.

Assurance statement for 2023/24 remuneration report

Assurance statement for 2023/24 energy and carbon report


The below indices provide us with a framework to tackle global, national, local and industry challenges across environmental, social and economic factors, and/or offer an external perspective on how we are doing.

The growing interest in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance by many global investment institutions has increased the need to understand the relationship between the corporate responsibility performance and shareholder value.

Index Description Performance
S&P Global

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices. It covers over 10,000 companies from around the world. The CSA focuses on sustainability criteria that are both industry-specific and financially material. 

We continue to participate in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. For 2024, our overall performance was 67% and we are proud to be a component of the iconic Dow Jones Best-in-Class World Index. Effective December 2024.

CDP CDP runs the global environmental disclosure system for organisations to share and assess corporate information on 4 themes climate change, water security, forests and plastics. To earn leadership status, organizations must demonstrate best practice in environmental policy, the strategies they utilize and the actions they undertake and demonstrate alignment with the best-practice reporting standards and frameworks from the ISSB and TNFD. In our latest assessments, United Utilities joined the Climate A list of the world’s best performing companies out of more than 24,800 companies assessed by CDP in 2024. As well as the ‘A’ score for the Climate theme United Utilities also attained a leadership score of ‘A-’ for Water security. 
FTSE4Good The FTSE4Good Index Series measures the performance of companies who demonstrate strong ESG practices against globally recognised responsible business standards.

United Utilities Group PLC has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series since June 2001. Latest review March 2025.


Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company, is a leading independent ESG research, ratings and data firm. Its ESG Risk Ratings measure a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks.

In October 2024, United Utilities received an ESG Risk Rating of 9.5 and was assessed by Sustainalytics to be at negligible risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. 

Corporate Knights

Corporate Knights has been ranking the world’s 100 most sustainable corporations since 2005.

Ranked as one of the 100 most sustainable businesses in the world in the Corporate Knights Global 100 index 2025. Recognition as the highest ranked company in the water sector and 20th position overall.  

Moody's ESG Solutions


Moody’s ESG Solutions is a business unit of Moody’s Corporation that serves the growing global demand for ESG and climate insights. The group’s comprehensive offering includes ESG scores, climate data, Sustainability Ratings and Sustainable Finance certifier services that help fulfil the broad spectrum of ESG-related goals in risk management, equity and credit markets.

We received an overall  score by Moody's ESG Solutions of 61/100 in year 2023. 

MSCI Provides ESG ratings on an AAA to CCC scale for over 6400 companies according to exposure to industry specific ESG risks and ability to manage those risks relative to peers.  As of November 2024, United Utilities Group PLC received an MSCI ESG rating of A.
ISS ESG  ISS ESG's Corporate ESG Rating provides investors with comprehensive portfolio company research on social, environmental and governance factors to help identify and mitigate ESG risks and to capitalize on investment opportunities.

In the review of July 2023 our status was assessed as Prime. 

GRESB Rates the quality of information, available in the public domain, about our sustainability governance, implementation and operational performance data, and of our stakeholder engagement practices.

Rated A in October 2024 with a score of 90%.

World Benchmarking Alliance World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) develops transformative benchmarks that compare companies’ performance on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Among the top 10 companies making progressive efforts as ranked in the 2024 Urban benchmark assessment of 300 influential companies on their commitment to ensuring a safer, inclusive, and sustainable environment for all. 

Business for Societal Impact We collate our community investment data using the Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) model. We assess spend in terms of employee time, cash and in kind contributions. Our total investment in 2023/24 was £3.99 million. 

Measures and targets

To measure progress on delivering our purpose and creating value for all our stakeholders, we monitor our performance. We report on the issues shown to be of material interest to each stakeholder group.

The progress we have already made to operate in a responsible manner is demonstrated in our 2015-20 measures and targets performance.