Household water supply checks

When you're experiencing no water or poor pressure, there are a couple of simple tests you can complete at home to try and restore your supply. Watch the video or read the information below to find out more.

How you can test your water supply at home

Watch our short video 'what to do if you have low or no water pressure' for help on how to clear an airlock and other tests to check your water supply at home

Check your internal stop tap - Locate your internal stop tap (this is usually under the kitchen sink) and turn it off and back on 4-5 times, whilst running your cold kitchen tap. This will clear any blockages in the pipework and your pressure should return to normal.

Carry out a flow test - Regulation guidelines are that there should be 10 metres head of pressure at the boundary, with a flow of 9 litres per minute. This is equivalent to you running your cold kitchen tap to fill a 1 litre container in 7 seconds. If you fill the container within 7 seconds this means your pressure is above our standards of service.

You may see fluctuations in pressure due to peak times of the day when there’s a higher demand for water. For example, between the hours of 7am – 9am when most of us are up and getting ready for the day. Or of an evening around 4pm-7pm, when more people are at home preparing dinner or making a brew.


Important notice

Heavy rainfall and sewer flooding

The heavy rainfall may be causing flooding in some parts of the region.

Our teams are out working hard across the region helping our customers who have experienced sewer flooding in their homes.

If you’re experiencing flooding from a road or footpath and there is no evidence of sewage (toilet paper etc.) please report this to your local council, who are responsible for highways drainage flooding.

Please be aware that our phone lines are much busier than normal, take a look at our flooding page for further advice on what to do if you’re affected by flooding.

Heavy rainfall across the North West may be causing flooding in some parts of the region. Our teams are out working hard across the region helping our customers who have experienced sewer flooding in their homes.

Flooding advice

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