Report a problem guidance

  • You may have a blockage if:

    • You find it difficult to flush your toilet.
    • Your sink or bath empties very slowly.
    • You notice a bad smell coming from your drains.

    When wastewater is unable to flow away it can come back up from the toilet or sink, flooding your home. It's easy to avoid blockages, just remember to bin any item that's not pee, poo, or toilet paper.

  • Wastewater flooding is often caused by blocked drains, sewers or internal pipes. This may result in surcharge (i.e. overflow) from gullies, manholes or internal fixtures within your property. Exceptional rainfall may also overload our sewers.

  • If clear water showing is outside of your property or in the street or a public place then it could be a clean water leak.

  • The water supply at your property may be fluctuating, could have reduced down to a trickle or gone off at your kitchen tap and is impacting all other taps and appliances in your household such as dishwasher, washing machine, shower and toilets.

  • Very occasionally, you may experience a change to the colour, taste or odour of your water.