North West

Reference number
Last Updated
Issue type
Waterwater flooding

Status : Active

Incident updates 1 in total

Our region is being affected by heavy rainfall and some areas may see some localised flooding. Our priority at this time is to help those customers who have been worst affected, and we have teams out across the North West helping customers who have experienced sewer flooding in their homes.

If you have already reported an issue we may be taking longer to respond than normal due to the amount of disruption across the North West. We are sorry for any delay, and assure you that we will be with you as soon as we can.

If you’re experiencing flooding from a road or footpath and there is no evidence of sewage (toilet paper etc.) please report this to your local council, who are responsible for highways drainage flooding.

If you are experiencing a wastewater blockage or an odour issue from a sewer blockage we ask for your patience and that you monitor this and contact us a later date if the problem persists.

If you are experiencing sewer flooding inside your home, please head to our online tool and provide us with your details and we can arrange for one of our teams to visit your home or call us on 0345 672 3723.

You can also take a look at our flooding page for further advice on what to do if you’re affected by flooding.

We are grateful for your patience at this time and please make sure you stay safe.

North West

Important Notice

Heavy rainfall and sewer flooding

Heavy rainfall across the North West may be causing flooding in some parts of the region. Our teams are out working hard across the region helping our customers who have experienced sewer flooding in their homes.

If you’re experiencing flooding from a road or footpath and there is no evidence of sewage (toilet paper etc.) please report this to your local council, who are responsible for highways drainage flooding.

Please be aware that our phone lines are much busier than normal, take a look at our flooding page for further advice on what to do if you’re affected by flooding.

Heavy rainfall across the North West may be causing flooding in some parts of the region. Our teams are out working hard across the region helping our customers who have experienced sewer flooding in their homes.

Flooding advice

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