Your top tips on saving water in the garden

Our customers have been sharing their wonderful tips and tricks on how they save water in their gardens.


Rog - Use gel crystals in your hanging basket mix up with your compost to help retain water. And use grey water on the Garden. πŸŒ³πŸŒΊπŸ’§Collect rain water in anything.


Photo of a garden bed

Mitch - I use the used washing up water πŸ’¦ which also helps control green and black fly.

Kathryn - Plant the right plant for the position and you won’t need to water, drought tolerant in sun, plants for shade in damper conditions. No watering can needed πŸ’¦πŸ’§πŸš°

Patricia - I use bath/shower water to water my plants, especially in the summer months.

Jennie - I have an old bath on my garden that collects water.

Sylvia - I use the paddling pool water to water plants. My grandchildren are kept cool in the pool and 😎 if they are happy 😊 I am happy 😊


Georgina - We have water butts on the greenhouse and shed, this provides enough water πŸ’¦ for all our summer plants.


Photo of a Georgina's garden