Madeley Wastewater Treatment Works
Once the used water from your sink or toilet goes down the drain, out job begins to help transport it along a huge network of sewer pipes to one of over 560 treatment works, before it's clean enough to return to the natural environment.
We're constantly looking for ways to improve our treatment sites to make sure that the quality of water that's returned to rivers and the sea is as clean as possible. We're planning some work in your area which will help to improve the quality of treated water that is returned to local watercourses.
Our proposed improvements at Madeley Wastewater Treatment Works involves upgrading existing assets and building additional new equipment, so we can treat the water to an even higher standard.
As the water company for the North West, the majority of our proposed work can be carried out with agreement from the local authority however, there are some elements of work which require formal planning permission. Our Planning submission can be viewed on Staffordshire County Council website, under ref; SCC/22/0095/FULL-MAJ. Thank you to all residents who took the time to provide feedback on our plans prior to us submitting to the council.