Mains sampling

We will be carrying out routine checks in your area which involve opening valves or hydrants on our pipes to take samples of water.  We do this because over time natural minerals within the water can settle at the bottom of our pipes.  If the pipes are disturbed this can cause the minerals to lift, which can make the water coming through your taps appear slightly yellow or brown. So by taking samples this will help us monitor and plan future work effectively to help reduce the mineral build up.

Frequently asked questions

Why does my water look cloudy or milky?

  • Your supply may appear white or cloudy because of air that has become trapped in the water after we have completed our work.  If a glass is filled and left to stand for a few minutes you will notice that tiny air bubbles rise to the surface and the cloudy appearance will disappear.

How can I clear this?

  • The air within the pipe will release naturally every time you turn on your cold water tap and use your supply.

My water has a yellow or brown appearance and has particles in it.

  • While we’ve been working the pipes will have been disturbed and this can result in some temporary short term discolouration. We understand this can look unpleasant, but your water is still safe to drink.  The discolouration is due to harmless historical deposits that normally lie at the bottom of the water pipe being disturbed.

How can I clear this?

  • You can help to clear the supply by slowly running the cold water tap at a trickle. Our advice is run the cold water tap which is located close to your internal stop tap, this is usually the tap in the kitchen. 

If possible try to avoid turning on other cold water taps, showers or flushing the toilet until the water is clear.

Can I still use my washing appliances if my water is discoloured?

  • Please do not wash any clothes, operate a dishwasher or use an electrically powered shower if your water has a yellow or brown colour.
  • Follow the procedure above to assist in clearing your water supply.

Discolouration can clear quickly, but could take a longer period to resolve as it is dependent on the amount of mineral deposit that has been disturbed. If the problem persists or you require any further information, please call us on 0345 672 3723.  We’ll be happy to help you.

Remember - if in doubt keep them out! Be aware of visitors to your home claiming to be from United Utilities.  Always ask for and check their identification card carefully before you let them in. You can always call us on the number above so we can check.