Missing payments
Is a payment you’ve made not showing up on your account?
Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of it as soon as we can. Our team are waiting to help you on this number: 0345 075 0715 or you can request a call back and someone will be in touch. For now though, have a look at the points below as they might give you the answer to why a payment hasn’t gone through or isn’t showing on your account.
Did you make the payment online?
Check your card is still valid. If you have more than one United Utilities account, or you have recently moved house and you’re unable to see your most recent payment, please call us on the number above.
Paid by phone?
If you made an automated payment by phone with a debit or credit card, allow a little time for the payment to show on your account. If you’re concerned it’s not showing, please give us a call. We’ll need to make sure we’ve got all your up to date details, including any change of address information.
Or did you use a water payment card?
In this case, you should have a receipt with a number that starts *631140. Just give us a call and have that receipt number to hand, along with the amount and date on which you paid, and we’ll look into it for you.
If you’re a My Account registered user and have more than one linked account, ensure that you made a payment for the intended account and that you’re looking at the correct payment history.
If you pay by Direct Debit, BACS or CHAPS, please check with your bank that the payment has left your account. If it has but it isn’t showing up on your statement, please let us know.
Written a cheque? If it hasn’t been cashed, it means we haven’t received or taken the payment yet. However, if your cheque has been cashed, please get in touch with us and have the cheque serial number, date it was written and amount it was for, to hand.
If you paid at a PayZone or Post Office it will take between three and five days to clear (don’t forget to take into account bank holidays and weekends). If that time has passed, we’ll need the date, amount and reference number of your payment to look into it for you.
Bank payments – unfortunately, we’re not able to liase with your bank regarding any payments that aren’t showing on your water account. You’ll need to contact your bank directly for more assistance.
Of course, if there’s a technical problem at our end, we’re really sorry for any inconvenience and will aim to get it fixed as soon as possible.