WaterSure scheme - Terms and Conditions

The WaterSure scheme is intended to help vulnerable customers with a water meter or who pay based on an assessed charge (only where a meter cannot be fitted) and have a low income and use higher than average amounts of water due to a large family or for essential purposes as a result of a medical condition. 

Eligibility criteria

  1. The property MUST be on a meter or fixed assessed volume charge (only where there has been a failed meter application)
  2. The customer, or a member of their household MUST receive one of the qualifying benefits stated:
    • Universal Credit;
    • Employment and Support Allowance;
    • Income Support;
    • Income-Based Job Seeker’s Allowance;
    • Housing Benefit;
    • Working Tax Credit;
    • Pension Credit;
    • Child Tax Credit

Table 1 below shows the benefits customers need to receive to be eligible for the WaterSure scheme and where to contact to obtain replacement copies if required to support their application.

And either:

  1. Have three or more children under the age of 19 living at the address (the person who meets the qualifying benefits criteria as specified in clause 2 must also receive child benefit for all those children).


  1. The customer, or a member of their household, has one of the specific medical conditions which means they use a lot of water:
    • Desquamation (flaky skin disease);
    • Weeping skin disease (eczema, psoriasis, varicose ulceration);
    • Incontinence;
    • Abdominal stoma;
    • Crohn's disease;
    • Ulcerative colitis;
    • Renal failure requiring home dialysis (except where the health authority contributes to the cost of the water used in dialysis);
    • Other medical conditions can be accepted if the condition uses significant amounts. 
  2. In addition to the above

    • the customer and other qualifying persons (if any) occupy the whole or part of the premises as their only or principal home;
    • in the case of premises which are not used solely as a person’s home, the other use is not the principal use of the premises;
    • Water supplied to the premises is not used for:
      • watering a garden (other than by hand) by means of any apparatus; or
      • automatically replenishing a large pond or swimming pool.

If applying on medical grounds, evidence of one of the following is required:

  1. A recent letter from your GP or consultant
    This should confirm the name of the patient, medical condition, and the reason for the increase in water usage.

  2. An official hospital, surgery, or clinic stamp
    This can be provided by your consultant, doctor, nurse, or health visitor. They will need to sign and date the stamp and confirm why the medical condition requires increased water usage.

  3. A copy of the most recent repeat prescription relating to the relevant condition as stated in point 4 above.
    This can be provided by your consultant, doctor, nurse, or health visitor.

We are required to verify entitlement to financial assistance under the Watersure scheme therefore if applications are not supported by one of the above forms of medical evidence, we have the right to refuse applications.

We may write to customers from time to time to ask for additional documentary evidence. This is to make sure the WaterSure scheme is only available to those who meet the criteria.

If customers are charged for gathering supporting evidence by their medical practitioner, we will reimburse these charges if the customer provides a receipt with their application.

You must let us know if your circumstances change and you’re no longer eligible for the WaterSure Scheme. If you’re no longer eligible and you don’t tell us, we can remove you from the scheme immediately.

To be accepted onto the scheme the customer must be on a meter or fixed assessment charge (only where there has been a failed meter application) and:

  1. Complete an affordability assessment;
  2. Give permission for us to validate their benefit receipt and if requested provide evidence of current benefit entitlement; and
  3. provide supporting evidence of either their eligible medical condition or receipt of child benefit for 3 under the age of 19 living at the address  or more children to complete their application. (the person who meets the qualifying benefits criteria as specified in clause 2 must also receive child benefit for all those children).

Wherever possible, customers will be expected to pay their water bill by Direct Debit or via application to the Department for Work and Pensions to pay their water charges direct from their benefits. Where this is not possible, we will set up an alternative payment plan for you.

United Utilities’ decision in relation to a person’s eligibility for the scheme will be final.

Name of benefit or tax credit Evidence required Who to contact

Income support

Income-related employment and support allowance

Income-based job seeker's allowance

Universal credit

Copy of this year's benefit breakdown letter

Print off/screenshot of your Universal Credit account showing your latest statement.

Contact your local Jobcentre Plus office or benefits office

Working tax credit

Child tax credit

Copy of this year's award notice 

Tax credit helpline: 

0345 300 3900 

Housing benefit Copy of this year's benefit breakdown letter Contact your local authority (council) for details 
Pension credit Copy of this year's benefit breakdown letter

Pension service: 

0800 731 0469

  • If you stop making payment and fall into debt we may make an application to the DWP take payment direct from your benefits.

  • Wherever possible, customers will be expected to pay their water bill by Direct Debit or via application to the Department for Work and Pensions to pay their water charges direct from their benefits. Where this is not possible, we will set up an alternative payment plan for you. It’s really important that you keep to any agreed payment plan otherwise you will be removed from the scheme. 

  • If you stop making payment and fall into debt we may make an application to the DWP take payment direct from your benefits.

  • You will qualify for the scheme until your circumstances change and you no longer require financial support or until such time as the tariff ends. We may also contact you occasionally to check if you are still eligible for the scheme. You must reply to any requests to confirm your ongoing eligibility. If you do not, you will be removed from the scheme. 

  • You must inform us immediately if your financial circumstances change, for example your income changes because you get a job and are no longer entitled to receive benefits or tax credits. We will then check that you still meet the eligibility criteria and may ask you to complete another application containing your new financial details, the reassessment will also include evidencing ongoing medical condition or receipt of child benefit for 3 or more children. We will then assess whether you are still eligible for the scheme. Please call us on 0800 072 6765.

  • Please call us on 0800 072 6765 let us know if you move home so we can update your details and undertake a new affordability assessment to assess eligibility for support at your new address.  If you move a non-metered property then the Watersure tariff will no longer be available.

  • Towards the end of every 12 months, we are required to check your ongoing eligibility for the Watersure scheme.  We will carry out regular checks with the Department for Work and Pensions to make sure you continue to receive one of the required means tested benefits.

    Additionally, we need to validate that someone in the household has either:

    • three or more children under 19 living with you whom you are receiving child benefit for, or
    • a medical condition requiring the extra use of water.

    If we contact you requesting evidence to support your ongoing eligibility for the scheme and you fail to provide the required information, we will assume that you no longer meet the eligibility criteria and you will be removed from the scheme.  Your future water bills will then be based on our standard tariff and will be calculated using your meter readings and will no longer be capped.

  • When applying for the Watersure scheme due to a medical condition we will automatically register you for our Priority Services scheme unless you tell us not to do this.