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Our assessed charges for 2025/2026

Our assessed charges scheme relates to the period starting from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026. Below is a summary of our tariffs that form part of our charges scheme for 2025/2026. You can also click the button below for our full charges scheme document.

Charges scheme 2025/26

Assessed charges - when we're unable to fit a water meter

If you live in a household premises and you have applied to have a meter fitted free of charge (including altered household premises) but a meter cannot be installed, an assessed charge is available. It is a fixed annual amount varying according to the type of premises, except where only one person lives at the premises:

Type of premises  Water Sewerage Total
Single person household (not applicable to any premises which have a swimming pool that automatically refills and can hold more than 10,000 litres) £143.57 £252.01 £395.58
Detached (includes houses, link detached houses and bungalows)* £353.49 £402.79 £756.28
Semi-detached (includes houses and semi-detached bungalows)* £313.52 £374.19 £687.71
Other household premises (includes flats and terraced houses)* £233.44 £317.03 £550.47

Larger premises - a premises which either:

  • has a swimming pool that automatically refills and can hold more than 10,000 litres of water) or;
  • is larger than 250m2 in area, and has six or more bedrooms
£683.66 £638.64 £1,322.30
Single pensioner household* £132.01 £244.35 £376.36
Two pensioner occupiers*  £217.68 £305.74 £523.42

*excludes premises which meet the larger premises criteria

If premises are not connected to the public sewer system for surface water drainage, either directly or indirectly, the sewerage charge for each type of premises will be reduced by £100.49.

Changes in assessed charges tariffs 2025/2026 (including inflation of 3.5%)

  2024/25 2025/26 Change
Assessed charge total: single person £311.09 £395.58 £84.49
Assessed charge total: detached £599.44 £756.28 £156.84
Assessed charge total: semi detached £548.72 £687.71 £138.99
Assessed charge total: other £435.79 £550.47 £114.68
Assessed charge total: larger households £1,051.27 £1,322.30 £271.03
Assessed charge total: pensioner (single occupier) £296.89 £376.36 £79.47
Assessed charge total: pensioner (two occupiers) £413.35 £523.42 £110.07
Assessed charge water: single person £113.91 £143.57 £29.66
Assessed charge water: detached £284.90 £353.49 £68.59
Assessed charge water: semi detached £254.79 £313.52 £58.73
Assessed charge water: other £187.84 £233.44 £45.60
Assessed charge water: larger households £552.85 £683.66 £130.81
Assessed charge water: pensioner (single occupier) £105.71 £132.01 £26.30
Assessed charge water: pensioner (two occupiers) £174.69 £217.68 £42.99
Assessed charge sewerage: single person £197.18 £252.01 £54.83
Assessed charge sewerage: detached £314.54 £402.79 £88.25
Assessed charge sewerage: semi detached £293.93 £374.19 £80.26
Assessed charge sewerage: other £247.95 £317.03 £69.08
Assessed charge sewerage: larger households £498.42 £638.64 £140.22
Assessed charge sewerage: pensioner (single occupier) £191.18 £244.35 £53.17
Assessed charge sewerage: pensioner (two occupiers) £238.66 £305.74 £67.08

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