Rivington estate FAQS
As we develop our Rivington Visitor Improvement Plan, we will continue to engage with the local community and visitors through online surveys and in person consultations, to best understand your views.
Our aim is to ensure that people who visit our catchment land have an enjoyable and rewarding experience including Rivington and the surrounding areas. We are experiencing a huge increase in visitor numbers which is putting a strain on the local facilities so we want to understand how we can improve the experience and minimise the impact on local residents. We are using insight from the community and visitors to help shape ideas on how best to look after Rivington.
Over the last 12 months we have commissioned surveys, trialled various measures across the land we own and spoken to the local community to better understand areas for improvement. Understanding the wide range of thoughts and opinions is important to help us to develop a plan and the best approach to maintain and look after the area.
With the help of local people and organisations, we will be looking at how we can better manage the safety and experience of local residents. Your views are helping us to understand what visitors currently like and would like to see in the future and how we can reduce the impact on local residents and businesses.
The estate is feeling the effects of increased visitors, such as when visitors park in non-designated areas. We want to listen to the views of local people and visitors to understand what steps we can take to improve how the area is managed for the benefit of all. As well as gathering feedback on what we can do, we are also looking at options into how we can fund responsible management of the estate.
We have asked the local community, visitors and businesses to give us their views and we will continue to engage as we develop ideas. We are also engaging with highways teams to discuss their insight and ideas.
Once we have analysed all the feedback we have received, we will shape some proposals which will share with the local community later in the year by holding several in person consultations., This will provide the opportunity for the local community to ask questions and input their feedback.
We are currently thinking about a number of options to look after the Rivington estate, which is why we are developing a plan. When we know more, we will share this to you.