Priority Services strategy feedback

Our Priority Services is set up to provide customers with extra help no matter what they need it for. We have initiatives to help with a range of needs and we’re always looking at how we can improve our services and your views are really important to us.

We are currently working on our Priority Services strategy which you can access by simply clicking on the link below. We’d love to hear what you think about it.


Can we please ask you to spare a few minutes of your time to provide some feedback on our strategy.

The information you provide will be used solely in accordance with United Utilities’ Privacy Policy. 

About you

The first few questions are about you. This information is to ensure we speak to a range of people and will help us to analyse the responses to this survey.

Our free Priority Services scheme is offered to all customers that require additional help when they need it most.  This could be due to illness, disability, mental health, language barriers or even age. 

We are keen to understand the views of different organisations and charities who support people living with additional needs. With that in mind do you support a specific group of people?

About our strategy document

Thinking about the services that a water company can provide to people that require extra help, do you feel there are there any other services you would like us to consider?