Providing documentation

If you have been asked to provide documents to support your application for one of our support schemes, you can find examples below of what we need and how to submit them.

Once you have the documents you need to submit, simply click reply on the request email and attach them before sending to us.

  • Below is an example of an acceptable Universal Credit monthly statement. The document you provide must show:

    • Claimant’s name(s)
    • Payment Period
    • All payable elements for the claim
    • All Deductions from the claim
    • Total payment for the month

    The best way to provide this document is to download your UC statement by, logging into your Universal Credit account and go to the statement summary page. Then click into the most recent monthly statement, it will come up on the screen. You can then “Print to PDF”/”Save as PDF” You will have to save the document to your device (laptop, Computer or phone).

    If you screenshot the images from your phone, YOU MUST copy all sections not just the total payment amount for the month. If information is missing this can delay your application for further help and support with your bill.


    Universal credit example

  • You will need to send a copy of your award letter for the current period.


    Tax credits example

  • You will need to send a copy of your award letter for the current year.



  • You will need to send a copy of your award letter for the current period.



  • You will need to send a copy of your award letter for the current year.


    Income based job seekers allowance example

  • You will need to send a copy of your award letter for the current year.


    Guaranteed Pension Credit letter example

  • Example:

    State Pension letter example

  • You will need to send a copy of your award letter for the current year.


    housing benefits example

  • You will need to send a copy of your repeat prescription slip.


    Repeat prescription example

  • You will need to send a copy of a letter from a medical professional.


    Letter from a medical professional

  • You will need to send a copy of your P45.


    P45 example statement

  • You will need to send a copy of your most recent pay slip.


    Wage slip example

  • If you need to request a proof of benefit letter. This can be requested from the GOV website by following this link.


    Proof of benefit letter example

    What happens next

    They will check the information in your request against your National Insurance number and benefit record.

    You should receive a letter in the post to the address on your benefit record within 5 working days.

    You do not need to contact the office that pays your benefit unless it has been more than 5 working days since you applied, and you have not received a letter.

    Once you receive your letter you will need to send this to United Utilities to support your application for extra help and support.