New Connections & Developer Services Charges
Our charges scheme is designed for our customers and sets out charges for services relating to the water and sewerage network or other work required on the water and sewerage network as a result of a development.
Our charges for the period starting 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 are outlined in our:
For details on our water connections charges for small developments, please see our guide for house builders (PDF 393 KB opens in a new window)
Details of previous years charges are outlined in our:
- Developer services charges for 2024/25
- Developer services charges for 2023/24
- Developer services charges for 2022/23
- Developer services charges for 2021/22
- Developer services charges for 2020/21
- Developer services charges for 2019/20
- Developer services charges for 2018/19
- Developer services charges for 2017/18
- Our new connections charges rules 2024/25 (PDF 225 KB opens in a new window)
- Statement of significant changes 2024/25 (PDF 165 KB opens in a new window)
- Assurance statement for new connection services 2024/25 (PDF 754 KB opens in a new window)
- Our new connections charges rules 2023/24 (PDF 229 KB opens in a new window)
- Statement of significant changes 2023/24 (PDF 202 KB opens in a new window)
- Assurance statement for new connection services 2023/24 (PDF 1,212 KB opens in a new window)
- Our new connections charges rules 2022/23 (PDF 228 KB opens in a new window)
- Statement of significant changes 2022/23 (PDF 365 KB opens in a new window)
- Assurance statement for new connection services 2022/23 (PDF 141 KB opens in a new window)
- Our new connections charges rules 2021/22 (PDF 198 KB opens in a new window)
- Statement of significant changes 2021/22 (PDF 212 KB opens in a new window)
- Assurance statement for new connection services 2021/22 (PDF 138 KB opens in a new window)
- Our new connections charging rules 2020/21 (PDF 2.2 MB opens in a new window)
- Statement of significant changes 2020/21(PDF 224 KB opens in a new window)
- Assurance statement for new connection services 2020/21 (PDF 650 KB opens in a new window)
New charging rules came into place with effect from 2018/19. Further details can be found in the documents below:
Charges prior to 1 April 2018
New charging rules came into place with effect from 2018/19, therefore some sites have been quoted prior to this date and sit within a transition period for site specific work and infrastructure charges. These are detailed below.
Site specific work transitional arrangements
In relation to site specific work, the following applies:
- Quotations for some site specific work provided under the old rules, and accepted before 01 April 2018, are to continue to apply until 01 April 2023 unless the customer and the company agree to vary the quotation.
- Where the legal agreement is already in place in relation to charges for the site specific work carried out as part of an adoption, then the charges defined within that agreement remain valid for the life of the agreement unless the customer and the company agree to vary those charges.
- Charges relating to the old charging rules, will be adjusted by inflation if the quotation or legal agreement includes an appropriate provision for adjusting the charge.
Infrastructure charges transitional arrangements
In relation to infrastructure charges the following applies:
- For connections completed before the 31 March 2018 the infrastructure will be charged at the 2017/18 rates.
- For connections completed from the 01 April 2018, infrastructure charges will be applied dependent on when the main or sewer was laid as detailed below:
- Separate charges are payable for water and sewerage connections.
- After 01 April 2018, connections made to a main or sewer that were provided as a requisition between 1991 and April 2018 will be charged under the old infrastructure charge in accordance with licence condition C. The charges recovered in accordance with licence condition C are capped at the method outlined in the condition.
- After 01 April 2018 connections made to assets, other than those above, will be charged in accordance with the new infrastructure charge as defined in the Charges Scheme Rule.
Charges between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2020
New charging rules are coming into effect 1 April 2020 which means the income offset payment is moving to be paid against infrastructure charges and will no longer be paid against requisition charges.
For details on our transition arrangements for those schemes already underway or due to start imminently, please see our transition rules
If you wish to calculate the financial breakdown of your proposed scheme we have a budgeting tool to help you do this:
If you have any queries please get in touch.